It is a longest gap ever since i started this blog. Was engaged in doing His work only so i know everyone will have a large heart to forgive me. Have completed 30 lectures till now and marching on...
On 6th May I had to
speak at the Youth Forum in Ramakrishna Mission, Pune. The topic given to me was ‘Facing
Challenges in Life’. It had to be connected with Swamiji and truly who else other than Swamiji has faced so many challenges
in life? Right from losing His father in His Youth till He came back from Italy to India after His second visit to Europe! Almost
20 years of struggle and hardships without a single moment’s respite.
None of us must have undergone such challenges ever. It is not just about losing His father at a young age but it is about the unexpected turn of events after that. This phase in Swamiji’s life actually
is very important as it tested Him on all the levels of physical,
psychological, financial and also personal. A phase where His all the
capacities were tested to the brim.
We usually ignore this part of
Narendranath’s life which can be very inspirational even in today’s time. How
he faced all the worldly problems with so much courage is exemplary in itself.
I find this one situation very challenging when His mother reprimands Him on
praying to God as He wakes up and says, “what has God given us, why do you have
to pray’. A mother whom Narendra had seen worshipping Lord all his life, who
wouldn’t even have water before her Pooja rituals..!! When she says such words,
how difficult this young boy must have felt at heart. I always try to think of Swamiji as, what He must
have felt? I try to reach to Him in all possible ways as we all know that how
tender and soft his heart was. How he felt for everyone around Him! And what
must be His state of mind seeing His mother and brothers suffering of poverty.
When we read this aspect of His
life and when I tell it to the youth, I have seen that they find Him very close.
As though he is not some where remote to reach out but is very very close to
our heart. As I always feel that if I just stretch my hands I can touch Him.
As we go through all these trials
throughout His life, we also see Him facing various challenges in America in different
forms. The challenges He faced after reaching Chicago is the culmination of all.
Just see, before leaving Mumbai He says to Swami Turiyananda, this parliament
is organized for this, pointing His Finger at Himself. And after saying this
when he lands up in America, He finds none of the things in his favour.
Even when he is sitting under the
tree till Mrs. Hale comes, everything is uncertain, gloomy. Later too after
becoming famous, he is not spared by missionaries and the toughest battle he
fought at Detroit.
How much to learn from His
life..!! None of us have ever faced problems that Swamiji faced. I am dead sure
about it. When he was in Boston, he had
to face one weird situation. Let us know it from him –
"I landed in
Boston once, a stranger in a strange land. My coat was like this red one and I
wore my turban. I was proceeding up a street in the busy part of the town when
I became aware that I was followed by a great number of men and boys. I
hastened my pace and they did too. Then something struck my shoulder and I
began to run, dashing around a corner, and up a dark passage, just before the
mob in full pursuit swept past - and I was safe!"
You feel so much pain when as you read this and visualise the above situation. How he faces these challenges let us see tomorrow.
You feel so much pain when as you read this and visualise the above situation. How he faces these challenges let us see tomorrow.
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